3 Traits of My Most Successful Clients

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3 Traits of My Most Successful Clients

Category : Uncategorized

In more than six years as a strength and nutrition coach, I’ve worked with thousands (not exaggerating) of kids, competitive athletes and everyday folks

The other day, I did some thinking about what the most successful people with whom I’ve worked have in common.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in finding out what others are doing to have success with their fitness and nutrition.

Now, you’ll find thousands of ideas and strategies out there. Some work. Some don’t. Some work for some individuals, but not for others.

Still, you’ll find commonalities among those who hit their goal weight, perform well in athletic competitions and always seem to be making good progress in whatever it is they do.

So what have my clients who are most successful done to become so successful? Check it out below.

1. They don’t make excuses

This is by far the most common trait. They don’t blame other people or the fact they were “busy” for why they didn’t do something.

It doesn’t matter if they work more than 40 or 50 hours per day. It doesn’t matter if they have kids. It doesn’t matter if they had a tough day.

Sure, they’ll have their setbacks, but they always find a way to get the work done.

I recently listened to a podcast interviewing a 22-year-old motivational speaker who wrestled in high school and has competed in a bodybuilding show despite having one arm and no legs. He makes no excuses.

My most successful clients take personal responsibility for everything and understand they can control their results.

They prioritize what’s important and eliminate/minimize what’s not.

2. They’re consistent

I do client check-ins on Fridays, and I noticed recently the people who check in the earliest and at consistent times tend to also be the most successful.

They don’t do things consistently for a week. They don’t do things consistently for a month. They do things consistently for months and even years.

If they have a bad day or week, they forget about it and move on. They’re creatures of habit and do things even when they don’t feel like doing them because they know what they’re doing serves a higher purpose.

3. They’re organized

How you do anything is how you do everything.

I recently heard two highly successful business owners admit when they interview a candidate for a job, they have someone from the company go out and look in that individual’s car.

If that person has trash all over the inside of the car, they know that person won’t be a good candidate for the job. Chances are if someone is disorganized in one area, he/she is probably disorganized in another area of life.

My most successful clients plan and prepare every day and every week. They don’t “hope” for a better week. They intentionally create success for themselves every week.

They “make” time for things like meal prep, grocery shopping and their workouts instead of “finding” time.

They understand whenever they say “Yes” to one thing, they’re always saying “No” to something else.

If they say “Yes” too many times to playing in sports leagues, drinks with friends and scrolling Facebook, they’re not giving themselves the time they need for things that matter for their goals.

About Author


Luke’s vision is to help people around the world build muscle, burn fat, get stronger and become the best versions of themselves. He is a strength coach, powerlifter, and former full time journalist living with his wife in the Madison, WI area. Alongside a degree from The University of Wisconsin-Madison's school of journalism, Luke is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

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